7445 N. Campbell Chicago, IL 60645                773.458.3150                [email protected]

jeffrey beebe











Spanning the last fifteen years, Jeffrey Beebe has created the world of Refractoria, a comprehensive imagino-ordinary world that is equal parts autobiography and pure fantasy, along with maps of actual yet altered cities (Chicago, Indianapolis, NYC), and the visual ephemera (flags & heraldry, constellation charts, genealogical trees), that accompany these various locations. The initial inspiration for the many maps is his interpretation of the mnemonic device referred to as a Memory Palace. This technique allows one to memorize an extraordinary amount of information. The text in the hand-drawn maps comes from multiple sources: emails that were written to him or by him, overheard conversations, books he's read, song lyrics, poems, etc, all of which was consumed/experienced while living in the city in question. Basically autobiographical information. Inspired by epic fiction and fantasy, Beebe has been writing stories, creating myths, and drawing maps since he was a child.